Careful (2016)

Production Company: Campus Universitario Europeo
Genre: Nano Film – Comedy | Duration: 1 min. | Image: Full HD and Color

On a beautiful summer day, the sun shines in its entire splendor and the river water runs slowly in the direction the sea. Beside the river, an elderly woman runs and stumbles on a cane that causes her downfall. So, we tell the story of the fall of an elderly woman caused by a cane.

04.2021 Moinho Cine Fest [Portugal]
02.2020 Tarde de Cinema [Portugal]
10.2019 Ocean Coast Film Festival [Portugal]
05.2019 Homenagem a André Almeida Rodrigues [Portugal]
04.2019 THAW [Portland, Maine, USA]
04.2019 300 Seconds Short Film Festival [Canada]
04.2019 Festival Internacional de Cineminutos de Córdoba [Argentina]
12.2018 Conferências Vale do Leça [Portugal]
10.2018 100 – Second Film Festival [Massachusetts, USA]
10.2018 Agenda Cultural da União das Freguesias de Custóias, Leça do Balio e Guifões [Portugal]
09.2018 Muestra OTROS CINES [Argentina]
08.2018 MOITAMOSTRA – Encontro de Artes em Meio Rural [Portugal]
06.2018 Madeira Curtas [Portugal]
06.2018 Vlaardings Filmfestival [Netherlands]
04.2018 WLISF – Wular Lake International Short-Film Festival [India]